No tubes now just left er with 2nd ectopic

The first was 2 years ago on left, this time the right ruptured, and baby was 7-8 weeks already, little heartbeat, wrong spot again.Apparently they had to clean out my abdominal cavity, which hurts more then the actual surgery spot, I can’t move, I can barely breathe. I guess ivf is the only way now, I am still pretty young. Will it ever happen for us? What if there’s something wrong with my uterus too. Any luck from anyone with similar situation? I’m really looking for a light, but I don’t see one. Seems like it’d of worked out better if I just didn’t make it either. Let my young husband find a nice lady with all her organs in use. Will our family ever be complete.

So happy I reached out. Thanks for the insight. Enlightening. Now I don’t feel so alone and that’s really what I needed. Just kidding, I poured out my soul and no one heard.

Hey there rockalily

I am so sorry that you are feeling so alone. You are not alone at all!

I am also so so so sorry for your losses, I have only been through one ruptured ep so although I understand somewhat how you feel you are going through so much more.

I wish I could think of something to say to make you feel better but there are no words.

Just please don’t give up hope ivf is a wonderful technology and it has helped so many people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to have children all hope is not lost!

Your DH married you for better for worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer and I am sure wouldn’t want to spend his life with anyone but you!

Please give yourself time to heal and be kind to yourself there are always people here to listen, but maybe try posting on the main board I think it is a bit more active than this one!

Thinking of you in this difficult time


Hi rockalily,

How are you feeling? I’m sure you’re still devastated. I’ve had one ectopic where the left tube was removed. I haven’t heard of what happens if both tubes are removed. Have you managed to find any helpful advice or success stories? I’ve just found out I’m 4 weeks pregnant and totally worried it could happen again so if it all goes wrong again I’ll get back here and see if we can compare misery? Hopefully you have found some light at the end of the tunnel xx