No bleeding

Hi all,

Recently found out that I’m going through eptopic, after several scans they found the sac. I was given Methotrexate a few days ago but I haven’t had any bleeding at all, just abdominal cramps and feeling quite nauseous. I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced no bleeding? I’m not sure if its normal and am worried a little bit! I don’t want to ask my GP as they don’t seem to be helpful at all and the Dr’s at EPAU are rude :frowning:

Dear nicolestubbs,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,

Most women find that they do start bleeding once the hCG levels start reducing after methotrexate. I am presuming that you are going back to the EPU for regular blood tests.

Although I do not wish to alarm you, if you experience any worsening abdominal pain, have shoulder tip pain or feel dizzy and unwell, please seek urgent medical advice.

I am sorry to hear that you are not getting the support you deserve and we will be here for you for as long as you need.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering or fundraising?

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Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

I had only spotting (which was happening before the methotrexate) and so I was also concerned. I had to call several times but finally I was reassured that because my pregnancy was caught early enough, it’s likely that my body will absorb a lot of the tissue. They are testing the HCG levels to make sure they are going down, but I guess we just wait to give our bodies time to react to the methotrexate. My doctor basically said it’s a waiting game now. Either it worked and the HCG will go down, or it didn’t and we are still at risk for a burst tube. I didn’t like that answer but I guess I don’t have a choice.


Thanks for the replies, so since posting this I have been back to have the hcg tested aswell as being admitted!

I’m still having no bleeding (which apparently is not a problem) :confused:

But I had another internal scan and there’s a mass of 15x13mm?? But they don’t seem concerned?! My hcg levels are decreasing (which is fine) but I am experiencing shoulder tip pain, abdominal pain all over and I guess what I can describe as contractions? When my stomach just tenses up? Oh and some dizziness? And have been told this is normal?!

Maybe it’s me overreacting but is this normal?! To have all these symptoms 8 days after the methotrexate?!



The size of the mass doesn’t sound too bad (mine is apparently 3cm! WTF that’s huge) but the symptoms are indeed concerning.

They told you shoulder tip pain and dizziness is fine? Is there another doctor or a nurse you can call just to make sure? Those symptoms do not sound “fine” to me. Abdominal pain I’ve had for a while but I was told to go to the hospital straight away if it got severe or I felt dizzy or had shoulder tip pain.

I just got off the phone with my doctor and she said that the methotrexate apparently can cause a little bit of swelling before it goes down which is why we are still at risk for a rupture. If your pain is severe it sounds like you are getting there. I’m no doctor but I suggest calling yours.


So Iv literally called the hospital this evening and my mum explained how much pain I was in and that I’m doubled over to be told there too busy and I’d be waiting for hours to see anybody! I’m literally at the point when even walking is unbearable and got told to either wait hours on end or take pain killers and go down in the morning!!

I’m actually fuming at how they’ve given me such poor advice!

Sorry needed to rant


That is super frustrating. And you’ve been in pain this bad for a few days now? If you’re in so much pain that you’re doubled over or dizzy/nauseous that is definitely a medical emergency from everything I hear! Did they get you in to see if you ruptured, or at least to see if they can give you better pain meds?

Dear nicolestubbs,

I am so sorry to hear of the pain you are going through. I hope you are feeling better today but if you still have severe pain and the EPU are too busy to see you, I would strongly suggest going to your nearest A&E department to be checked over.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering or fundraising?

Further information is available at

Email us:

We provide a call-back helpline service: 020 7733 2653

The latest EPT newsletter is out now! You can take a look at the Winter edition and subscribe to our mailing list here:

Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team


So after receiving a rather rude phone call from the EPU nurse they have booked me in for tomorrow for a scan just advised that if my pain continues to call back in which stressed me out as I feel they aren’t doing their jobs!

I’m just wondering if there’s any other avenue I can explore?! If there is who? And where else can I go? Iv thought about going to another hospital but this whole thing has put me off and I’d rather just stay at home and suffer :(, it’s not exactly a pleasant time going through this which makes its 100x worse.

Iv had pains right from the beginning which was way over a month ago I know everyone is different just wondering how long the pain actually lasts?

Sorry for going on!

This is my 2nd pregnancy and the first time round it was all sorted with no problems this time seems to be more of a pain! (1st pregnancy was missed miscarriage)

Hey I just wanted to check in on you to see how you are doing.

How is the pain? did you get a scan or some pain meds?


Thank you! Yea got scanned today and seemed to be that the methotrexate has worked as there isn’t a sac but they didn’t say anything about why I’m getting the pain just to carry on taking the pain meds Iv got

I had terrible cramps while on methotrexate but they went away after a few days. I’m glad to hear the methotrexate is working for you though. Hopefully the pain will subside.