Moving on....


I am struggling recently, i had an ectopic back in 2018, had my right tube removed, and as much as im ok with dealing with what happened now, recently everyone in my life is now finding out that they are pregnant… family, friends… and now suddenly im not ok again. We haven’t been trying trying but we also arn’t doing anything to stop the chances of me getting pregnant again. & its always to no avail. I’m starting to think ill never be able to conceive again.

& Im trying to be happy and supportive to everyone in my life at the moment, but I am finding it very difficult at the moment, anyone got any suggestions or happy endings or just anything, I’d even just take some words of wisdom at the point.

I think its hard for people who have never had any trouble having babies or just not even trying but still end up with the one thing I want the most to even comprehend how difficult it can be for someone like me. I think I just needed to vent more than anything.

Hi teddybear123,

It’s so very natural to experience emotions related to ectopic pregnancy beyond the original incident. I have found in the years past my ectopic, even while life returns to a normal cadence, the emotions still bubble up.

It is natural to feel a longing for your own child when you see other babies, and it certainly is difficult to deal with the emotions that it stirs up. It’s very normal to feel a mix of emotions with other people’s news; being happy for others, but still grieving for your own loss. A new baby is a very stark reminder of what could have been. It’s incredibly important to look after yourself and take your time.

Sadly, all bound by this devastating experience and no matter what our circumstances, we can lean on each other. I can say in my experience, it took a while for me to share what had happened - and who to share it with. I found that writing my changing feelings in a journal helped me to process them. When the time was right, I started sharing with my husband, then sister, then friends, and so on.

We are here for you at any time. These boards are a safe environment to let off steam among people who have been there and understand. Please do continue to do so for as often as you wish.

With good wishes,


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