Methotrexate and bleeding


I would be grateful if anyone could assist. I had had ectopic previously but ended up in emergency surgery and complete tube removal on the left side many years ago where it was advised I was around 12 weeks.

I have recently had methotrexate for a PUL and am on day 5 around 10 and a half weeks. I have had 2 scans of which neither sonographer has been able to see anything. My HCG levels were 3600, 3700, 3100 and then 3200.

I had been bleeding before the injection. For a week and a half beforehand it was hardly anything really and only came when I was up and moving around. None sat down, or when I was asleep etc. on the day of having the injection this increased quite a lot and always has been like actual blood (sorry TMI) nothing in it. Not the same as a period etc. i had the injection 5 days ago, I had 2 pieces of small tissue but again everything just seems like I have an actual cut kind of bleeding. It has since yesterday slowed down a bit again. I had my day 4 results and I have gone down to a bit over 1400 which i know is positive. I am just wondering if anyone has had this type of bleeding which was there before the injection? I always have a dull ache on my right hand side which I am trying to just ignore.

I think my concern re the bleeding is just because it is different to anything I had before and no one has been able to find anything at all on scans so just after some reassurance really.

Thanks very much.

Dear JOdin,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancies and losses.

Bleeding is very different for everyone following Methotrexate. I know, I bled initially and reinstalled and then had a return of bleeding and pain about a week after my injection.

The bleeding can be heavy and clotty, it can be like a normal period of some women only spot. There is no set pattern. If your bleeding increases so you are having to change sanitary wear less than hourly, please seek medical advice, but it is positive that your hCG levels are going in the right direction.

I have added more information about bleeding from our website which I hope you will find useful. … nd-periods

Please do continue to lean on us with any more questions or for support. We will be here for you for as long as you need.

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

Ectopic pregnancy patient information suite: Highly Commended in the 2019 BMA Patient Information Awards

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