For many years I have tried to become pregnant, I found out after a lap & dye that my left fallopian tube was blocked. while I was going through the process of getting referred for ivf I became pregnant naturally for the first time in my life, this unfortunately led to a miscarriage. After that I did a round of ivf with an ex partner we managed to get 4 embryo to freeze but I couldn’t do a fresh transfer because I had fluid that could of caused a miscarriage. 2 weeks before my frozen embryo transfer I made a very tough decision to split up with my partner at the time. I am with a new partner now and have just gone privately with a fertility clinic in Manchester after collecting 8 mature eggs only 3 fertilised. I had a 12 cell embryo on day 3 and was advised to have tranfer on day 3, two days later I get a phone call to say my other embryos didn’t make it to freeze so my only chance of been pregnant was with the embryo I had transferred. I took a test everyday to see that second line over and over my hcg was doubling nicely every 48hours but then to my horror I started light bleeding brown (sorry tmi) my clinic told me to do bloods so I did my hcg was still doubling but I knew somthing wasn’t right so I went to the EPAU for a scan and they told me my embryo implanted into my left tube and I was sent for emergency surgery in the matter of hours they removed my left tube (the blocked one with the pregnancy) and i was left in hospital not been able to see my partner after what I had just gone through! I experienced my first panic attack not just once but twice while I was in hospital and now I’m left with no pregnancy, no tube, scars on my belly and nightmares most night and i can’t help being so down about everything and now I don’t even know what to do anymore I feel like I’m never going to be a mother. Have I done something so terrible in my life for me to be punished this badly
I just wanted to know if there is anyone who has gone through ivf and had to deal with this and what did you do next xx