Implantation Bleeding?


I am new to this forum but it is so helpful!

I had an ectopic last June which resulted in my right tube being removed. I have just found out I am pregnant again (about 5 weeks) and I am sure I had an implantation bleed 10 days after conceiving.

Is this a good sign? I am so paranoid I am going to have another ectopic. Do you have implantation bleeding if it is ectopic?

Waitig for a date for my early scan but any advice before this is appreciated!



I’m not sure how helpful I can be but I think it’s difficult to know whether implantation bleeding means ectopic or not.

I have just found out too that I am pregnant after an ectopic in September. It’s a real shock but equally I’m very happy.

I would contact your EPU as they can scan you and reassure you all is ok.

Let me know how it goes.


Dear Watts

Whispered congratulations.

It is very natural to feel worried when pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy. It is, however, hard to say whether bleeding is implantation bleeding or something else so the best thing is to speak with your doctor or the Early Pregnancy Unit about your concerns. You should be given an early scan, but please keep an eye on any other symptoms and seek medical advice if you feel unwell. We have more information about the symptoms of an ectopic here - … diagnosis/

Please let us know how you get on.

Much love

Beth - EPT Host xx