how long does it take for your periods to return to normal?

Hi All

I’m Kirsty and this is my first thread/post I’m sorry if this is a question that has already been asked a million times

I had surgery to remove my left fallopian tube due to an ectopic pregnancy on Tuesday 27th August I had no bleeding until the Friday of the same week it lasted for 3 days then went I normally have a 28 day cycle and am just wondering how long is it expected to take on average to get back to normal? I was expecting my period on Friday


Hi Kirsty. It was around 6-7 weeks before I started getting my period again. (The post-op bleeding which lasted no more than a week doesn’t count). My cycles have been pretty regular since then but it can be variable. There is an informative section in the FAQs bit of this website if you haven’t had a look yet. Hope you feel better soon.

Thank you for your reply I read the FAQ a few weeks ago but will revisit and read it again as I only took in rates of fertility after surgery thank you again for your reply

Hi Kirsty, so sorry to hear about your loss. I know how hard it is. I am still waiting on my period too. My left tube was removed after ectopic on 5th September. Did yours ever come?


Periods can take a while to re-establish after an ectopic pregnancy and can re-start anywhere between 2 and 10 weeks after treatment. Most women find that their period arrives sometime around week 6 or 7 after surgery. You will then continue to have normal periods every month as fallopian tubes have no bearing on the menstrual cycle. A period is the shedding of the lining of the womb and continue even if both tubes have been removed.

I found that, before my ectopic, they were 28 days and after they became between 35 and 40 days for a while before settling back to 28 days. While there doesn’t seem to be any medical reason for this, women do often report some irregularity to their cycle for several months after an ectopic pregnancy.

Hope this helps,

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