December TTC

Hi girls, I know it’s a little early but would be lovely to talk again with you. Hope December will be a time for miracles. After stressful November, ovulation tests, symptom spotting and even faint BFP which turned out to be false I am more relaxed and decided I’m not gonna bother with counting or ovulation tests. Will try to enjoy partners love and if it will happen it will. Baby dust to you all xxx

December will be 3 months post methotrexate and back to ttc.

Good luck all

December is 5 month after MTX. Two more weeks to go to know if our practice run in November worked. If not bring on the cuddly, comfy December :slight_smile: Good luck ladies. Let us know how it works out…

Wish you both luck in December. I am trying to relax this month. No OPKs or charting. Becoming too stressful. I probably will ovulate end of next week. Would be such a lovely Xmas present :slight_smile: baby dust xxx

Hi All,

So this month is the first month since my EP in July when I finally feel ‘ready’ to give it another serious go.

I have to say, I only found this site and forum a couple of weeks ago, and the inspirational stories and moral support we all share has really helped to pick me back up.

Good luck to all Dec ttc-ers. Hope this Christmas is an extra special one


Hi redfairy,

So sad to hear you had to go through this horrible experience. How did they treat your ectopic? I had my tube removed and can’t stop worrying that it will affect my fertility. On a brighter side I feel stronger emotionaly after few months post surgery in June. This forum does help a lot. Baby dust to you and hope to hear about your bfp soon xx

Hi Gitast,

Thank you so much for your well wishes.

I too had my tube removed, but caught it just in time before rupture, thank goodness!

They said my remaining right tube looked healthy, but there’s always that part of you that worries it’s not.

But I’m trying to stay positive. I hope we’ll be updating each other on good news by the time 2015 comes around!

Just one quick question, as you had your op around the same time as me, if you don’t mind… Are your periods more painful than they were before? I’ve always considered myself quite blessed as mine were quite light and not unbearable, but I find that since my op I’m out of action for ay least a couple of days. I hope it gets better.

Baby dust to you :smiley:

Hi Redfairy,

Yes my periods changed a lot post surgery. Before ectopic I never had any pains, mood swings etc. My girlfriends used to think that I am the luckiest person as it wouldn’t affect me at all.

Now periods very painful and short. First day I can’t manage without painkillers. Periods only last about 3 days and 3rd just spotting. The pain is really bad. I even went to GP but she assured me that it’s all normal and it shouldn’t affect conceiving. On the positive side at least I am regular like clockwork, AF every 32 days and definitely ovulating as getting positive opk around the same time each month. This month I am stopping counting days till ovulation and doing ovulation tests. It became so stressful that I can’t cope. Last month was sure that will get BFP with all the symptoms. Even got faint positive. Been in tears all day when AF arrived 2 days later :frowning: . I hope you’re coping better.

Hope you don’t mind me asking. I never been told if tube ruptured or not. I presume it didn’t as everything was done through laparoscopy, but I was bleeding (old blood) that’s why went for an early scan. So don’t understand :(. Was told as well that right tube is healthy which gives me hope. xxx

Hi Gitast,

From what they told me, I would have known about it if I’d ruptured. They saw baby in my tube, but didn’t operate immediately because I’d eaten in last 12 hrs. Had I been ‘unstable’, ie blood pressure very low, unbearable pain, etc, they would have operated immediately regardless.

I ended up having my op first thing next morning after my diagnostic scan because I was stable. I am so thankful because I had a wonderful epau team monitoring me through the night.

I’m so thankful that my midwife encouraged me to get checked out following a tiny bleed.


Ok deep breath and onto TTC December.

Welcome to all those new to the forum. So sorry to ready all your stories and know you went through the same heartbreak.

Lots of baby dust to all


Just been re reading Gitast and redfairy’s chat about surgery.

My experience was that my tube ruptured, badly, I only had very light spotting and no pain. My surgery was laparoscopic. I only went to the drs as I was frustrated the midwife wasn’t getting in contact. This is what scares me so much now I’m TTC again.

I’m off to see my dr today to see if I can have a few things clarified so I don’t get so upset if I’m late agin but getting a bfn.


Hi countrysidecrazy,

Hope you’re keeping well. I don’t even know if my tube ruptured or not. :frowning: I suppose it doesn’t matter anymore. Definitely go and see your doctor. It helped me to calm down a little after reassurance that all pains and twinges are normal. I so hope that we all gonna get bfps soon. I am due af 19th December, would be such a nice Xmas present though not expecting too much as last month ovulated from the good side :frowning: xxxx

Let us know how did you get on at Dr countrysidecrazy xxxx

Hi Gitast,

I know what you mean about just wanting to know, maybe you can ask your dr in the future for clarification. Knowledge increases understanding and in turn, moving on, I think so anyway.

My dr explained that suffering a ruptured ectopic at 6wks is rare and it is more typical for a rupture to occur at 8+ weeks.

I explained all my anxiety around pregnancy testing and asked how long it would be safe to wait after AF due but without putting myself at risk. Especially as I only had very light spotting and no other symptoms with my EP. Dr said it would be fine to wait 2-3 days after AF due and the way to get referred for early scanning.

Dr explained how my body works now I only have one tube but sounded positive about the likelihood of concieving after an EP, she felt it would be incredibly unlucky to have a 2nd ep.

Dr also went through possible fertility tests but not something to be explored yet.

I’m pleased I went, I feel it’s given me renewed hope in getting my BFP. Was pleased my husband came to the appointment too.

Right I’m due on the 11th, so everything crossed for Christmas BFP’s for us all


Hi countrysidecrazy crazy,

So glad it went well and you’re feeling better. Not long for you till you’ll find out if this month was a success. I will keep everything crossed for you. Hopefully next week I’ll be reading how excited you are :wink:

Redfairy how are you keeping? Xx

Hi countrysidecrazy and Gitast,

I’m so glad you got some peace of mind from the gp. I think one of the hardest things about the whole experience of EP is that you just dont know what to do, what to expect, or even what happened. And thanks for posting the advice they gave you… Very insightful.

Gitast, I’m good, thanks for asking. Coming up to ovulation time, but I’ve got a horrible cold and convincing dh to come anywhere near me will be a task in itself! May have to resort to bribery.

Good luck to all Dec ttc-ers.

Massive baby dust.

Redfairy xxx

That sounds like it was a good appointment then! My last cycle was really short.

I’m now at 2 full cycles following ectopic. 3 months next week following methotrexate and I’m 10 weeks taking folic acid!

Should ovulate at the weekend but as much as I’m desperate to get started ttc again I don’t want the stress over Christmas of getting gp appointment and referred to epu and worrying what might happen should I get pregnant first time. So will be end of December for us.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you all.

Hi Gitast, Redfairy and. Butterfly,

Always happy to share as I completely agree, ep’s are traumatic and the short time I was in hospital (less than 24hrs) is such a blur. I was so emotional that only a few things the consultant said stuck and as time went on I started to wonder if the things I did remember were recalled correctly and in what context they were said.

The GP I saw was fantastic, I’ve not met her before, but she was very kind and spent time with me and the husband exploring things and explaining how everything works with one tube. It did give me peace to know I had a few days flex and will be absolutely trying my best to wait out those few days.

Redfairy, it’s so hard to convince the husband when you’re poorly and they are not keen on catching the cold. Good luck!

Gitast one thing I was wondering is how do you know which side you’re ovulating from? I know they alternate but I haven’t a clue about which one it is?

Butterfly i also have short cycles. I think it sounds wise to wait until you’re not feeling stressed about getting GP appointments should you need to. I’m sorry to hear of your EP. Keep talking, this board is so helpful as everyone understands the different emotions of TTC post EP


Hi girls this is my first ‘proper’ month ttc since my ruptured ectopic at 8weeks ( happened in June). Since my ectopic my cycles are longer. Have gone from 28 to 31 days. I used an ovulation kit this month for the first time and begun ovulation CD14. Since 2Dpo I have really sore boobs! Has anyone else experienced this ? Thought this was too early to be early pregnancy symptoms as last time I didn’t get sore boobs until my period was late. I’m due 10th December so fingers crossed this is our month. Baby dust to you all xx

Hi girls,

Hope you are all busy getting ready for Xmas. It does help me to forget TTC business a little:)

Princess83, sorry to see you here. I know what a horrible experience you had. I also had ectopic in June :(. Re periods mine definitely changed. Used to be 28 days, now 32 days and very painful. The bleed only lasts 2 days.

Countrsidecrazy I did have a private consultation last month and during scan Dr could tell that I will ovulate from right side so I am guessing it’s gonna be from left this month but I might be wrong. Though not being very hopeful.

Redfairy, get well soon. Hope your husband is looking after you xxx

I am in my fertile window this week and do feel tempted to do OPKs but as promised myself after the heartbreak last month not gonna do it. it does worry me a little that I don’t seem to have any ewcm when ovulating. Does any of you experience this post laparoscopy?

Baby dust to all girls. It’s so lovely talking to people who understands how I feel xxxxx