2 year ep anniversary

Hey Ladies,

Wasnt sure weither to post this or not but I just wanted to get it out of my mind…

“It is 2 years today since my Ectopic pregnancy” and I lost my baby… Just wanted to post to show that I havent forgot about my lil angel just feels like I cant bring it up in convo at work today, so thought id talk to you gals about it… anyway there I said it…

Even tho I am pregnant now, I still think about the angel I lost and just wanted to recognise this day… 2 years have passed very quickly… maby coz I was ttc for most of it… lol

Thanks for listening x x x

Lauz 32weeks 1 day

Hi Lauz

Thinking of you at this time.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

With love




I am so sad that you like all of us have this anniversary to face but I am so glad you knew you could come here to share your remembrance of the life that was with you so briefly but has touched yours for ever and you’ll hold in your heart for a life time. May you find a greater sense of peace at the end of your day and thank you for knowing you could come here and share this with us