What is normal? Three weeks post 2nd Methotrexate

I had an ectopic pregnancy in March this year which was resolved by surgery and my left tube removing. The surgery ended up being open surgery and other than the recovery from the actual operation I feel things went pretty smoothly.

I found out I was having another ectopic pregnancy in my right remaining tube about 6 weeks ago. Due to my previous and them catching it sooner this time I was offered Methotrexate to try and avoid surgery and save my tube. Between day 4 and 7 on my first injection my levels didn’t go down quickly enough so I was given a second injection a week after. Throughout this time I just had a little bit of achey belly and light bleeding.

2 and half weeks after the second injection I got some sharp pains in my right side which I couldn’t treat myself with paracetamol. I was doubled over in pain and ended up taking myself to A&E. to be honest I was a little socked to how long it took for them to see me given the risks with an ectopic and was curled up in a ball in pain for about 6 hours on the floor of A&E. I saw a gynaecologist he pressed my belly gave me codeine and booked me a scan for the following day. The scan showed that the “mass” was still there but no sign of fluid in my belly or rupture. That kind of put me at ease but the pain was still there a little. My day 7 blood test after the second I injection showed that my hormone levels had come down quite a lot from 1500 - 500. I had my 3 week blood test yesterday and my levels are 250.

This whole experience the second time round has caused me so much anxiety. Sat thinking to myself what is actually normal and what isn’t. The other side affect I’ve been suffering with is constipation, so now I’m anxious I’m mixing bloating and bowl issue pain with ectopic pain.

Has anyone else turned in to an over thinking anxious mess while being treated with Methotrexate? I’m struggling to sleep, my head is filled with intrusive thoughts especially at night time and I feel on edge all the time.

I just want it all to be over so I can get back to feeling normal :disappointed_relieved:.

That sounds incredibly tough. This process is totally normal to feel anxious or overthink everything; your body has been through a lot. And therefore, I think it’s important to remember that everyone’s experience is different; what may feel ‘off’ for you is just part of the healing. If you’re feeling very worried though, don’t shy away from getting in touch with your doctor. As people, they’ve heard it all before, and they can help you feel more at easy.

Hi Jessc,

I am so sorry to hear that you’ve suffered a second ectopic pregnancy and loss. I had two as well, and I know how physical recovery can be much quicker than the emotional one.

You are right in the middle of this experience and I encourage you to be very generous and patient with yourself. Please allow time to rest, especially as you are on MTX, which will have its own side effects.

You know your body the best, it’s important to be mindful of your symptoms until you reach non-pregnant levels, under 5mIU/mL, as there is unfortunately still a chance of rupture. The symptoms of a deteriorating ectopic pregnancy, which include worsening or progressively increasing pain; vaginal bleeding; shortness of breath; feeling faint; and pain in the tip of the shoulder among others, may become noticeable. If you suffer any of these symptoms you will need to be reassessed. Your hospital would give you a number to contact for health advice if you feel that anything is changing, or you will have been told to report to the Accident and Emergency Department (A&E). If you have not been told what to do and need to speak to someone ring the hospital department which is treating you or the NHS 111 Service by dialling 111.

I remember my own “please let this be over” emotions very clearly during my MTX. It is hard not to overanalyze every sensation. Take everything in your own time, and please be kind to yourself and I send you gentle hugs. We are here for as long as you need.

With good wishes,


The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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Hiya, so sorry for your losses.
I found out i was havimg an ectopic last Thursday and had methotrexate. Im on day 8 from the injection and since it i was spotting but now more like a period & left anxious about what is normal and what is not. It kills me that my body still thinks its pregnant my levels are still 1108… i had the option injection or operation & tbh now i wish i went with the operation as it would be over and done & not drawn out… im an emotional wreck in work and at home.

Thank you to everyone who has replied. I’m thankfully feeling a lot better this weekend. My husband talked me in to going out and doing some activities and it’s really helped to take my mind off things. The pains have eased and with that the anxiety has got better. I’ve got a blood test on Wednesday and I have my fingers crossed it’s a low result and I get discharged from the hospital.

Thinking of you all that are going through the same, it’s a tough time but we can do this :muscle:t3:.