I had an ectopic pregnancy in March this year which was resolved by surgery and my left tube removing. The surgery ended up being open surgery and other than the recovery from the actual operation I feel things went pretty smoothly.
I found out I was having another ectopic pregnancy in my right remaining tube about 6 weeks ago. Due to my previous and them catching it sooner this time I was offered Methotrexate to try and avoid surgery and save my tube. Between day 4 and 7 on my first injection my levels didn’t go down quickly enough so I was given a second injection a week after. Throughout this time I just had a little bit of achey belly and light bleeding.
2 and half weeks after the second injection I got some sharp pains in my right side which I couldn’t treat myself with paracetamol. I was doubled over in pain and ended up taking myself to A&E. to be honest I was a little socked to how long it took for them to see me given the risks with an ectopic and was curled up in a ball in pain for about 6 hours on the floor of A&E. I saw a gynaecologist he pressed my belly gave me codeine and booked me a scan for the following day. The scan showed that the “mass” was still there but no sign of fluid in my belly or rupture. That kind of put me at ease but the pain was still there a little. My day 7 blood test after the second I injection showed that my hormone levels had come down quite a lot from 1500 - 500. I had my 3 week blood test yesterday and my levels are 250.
This whole experience the second time round has caused me so much anxiety. Sat thinking to myself what is actually normal and what isn’t. The other side affect I’ve been suffering with is constipation, so now I’m anxious I’m mixing bloating and bowl issue pain with ectopic pain.
Has anyone else turned in to an over thinking anxious mess while being treated with Methotrexate? I’m struggling to sleep, my head is filled with intrusive thoughts especially at night time and I feel on edge all the time.
I just want it all to be over so I can get back to feeling normal .