Tell me about bleeding/spotting g

I’m still having bleeding that’s pretty much been the same since this pregnancy started, even though my very low hcg has started to go down. What was your experience? Did you continue to bleed and/or spot until hcg was at zero? Or longer? Or did your bleeding stop earlier than that?

Dear pattituesday,

It is not unusual for women to bleed after treatment for ectopic pregnancy. This first bleed after treatment is a response to falling hormone levels and involves shedding of the uterine lining and is not classed as a period. The length of the bleeding can vary from woman to woman and some women do report spotting and bleeding for up to around six weeks after an ectopic pregnancy.

Whilst your bleeding sounds normal, I do have to remind you that if you find that the bleeding increases so that you are soaking more than a pad in an hour or have offensive smelling discharge or body temperature of more than 37°C, please do get medical attention.

Sending much love,

Karen x

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