Swollen stomach and pain

I had surgery just over 4 weeks ago due to ruptured right tube. I left hospital the next day, with what now seems like no information really. Wounds have healed well but I am still feeling pain around the area and occasionally up to my shoulder. My stomach seems swollen still and I am feeling complete exhaustion, often having to lie down or nap inbetween daily tasks such as just getting up for a shower and breakfast. I am having good and bad days emotionally but not sure what to expect physically.

Dear Kate32,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy and loss,

Experiencing an ectopic pregnancy is a huge ordeal and you are in the early stages of recovery. Your body needs time to heal from your surgery which is in itself a gruelling task. You have also had to process the loss of your baby and been through an immense rollercoaster of emotions - all of this will take time to come to terms with.

You should take it very easily for about six weeks after surgery. Your body will be using its energies to heal internally. It is normal to feel physically and emotionally exhausted during this time and please do be kind to yourself. Recovery can take time and some days will be better than others, one day you maybe ok and the next you maybe in discomfort or more emotional. This is perfectly usual and the healing process will go back and forth in this way for however long you need. It is important to listen to your body’s signals and pain and feeling tired are your body’s signs to tell you to rest. We suggest keeping a healthy balanced diet, drinking lots of water and resting. Once your wounds have healed, very gentle exercise such as a short walk can help, but please do take this slowly.

Although your physical symptoms appear normal following surgery, I am not medically trained, so If you find that you have an increased body temperature of more than 37°C or offensive smelling discharge or the wound site starts oozing or feels hot to touch, please do get medical attention as soon as possible as these can be signs of infection.

We have more information on recovery following ectopic pregnancy here-

https://ectopic.org.uk/patients/your-bo … pregnancy/

Above all be kind to yourself and allow time to grieve, to heal both physically and emotionally,

Sending much love and warm hugs,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

Registered Charity Number: 1071811

If we have been able to help you, are you able to help us with a small donation or by volunteering or fundraising?

Further information is available at ectopic.org.uk

Email us: ept@ectopic.org.uk

We provide a call-back helpline service: 020 7733 2653

The latest EPT newsletter is out now! You can take a look at the Winter edition and subscribe to our mailing list here: https://mailchi.mp/986bdd6091ee/ectopic-matters

Detailed medical information can be found on our website. Please remember online medical information is NO SUBSTITUTE for expert medical advice from your own health care team

@kate32 it sounds like ur having a ruff time. Hugs. I just thought you might find it comforting to hear that I had similar feelings of grotty pain and sleepiness. It did pass but took time and patience, something I had to learn to give myself. Wanting to be back to normal n feeling like I wasn’t was the most difficult part for me I think. Trying to do the things I thought I should be able to then having to bail because I was too weak made me feel rubbish. If you’re feeling like that please be reassured it’s ok to rest and be gentle now. It’s a big thing that’s happened. It will take a while but you will heal.

If you haven’t got 1 yet and you’re able to or can get someone to do for you, I’d call hospital for your follow up appointment. My letter was never sent out as the surgeon had left n his paperwork was in awful order. Maybe similar has happened for you?

I hope you are getting support emotionally. It’s crazy how much feeling there was in me! So many emotions at any moment… talking really helped me.

I hope this has helped and you get what you need xxx

Thanks for the reply. That’s exactly the problem I think, I am not used to admitting I have to stop or can’t do things. I am trying to listen to my body but really struggling with that. I have a follow up in a couple of weeks. My partner has been really good and putting up with me being so moody and often crying when can’t even explain why. I am finding it difficult how others are not so supportive, not sure of this is due to little knowledge or something else. But find people just say hope you are ok and then try to change the subject.


Hi. I only had surgery to remove a tube a week ago. But I’m also surprised at how tired I feel. I’ve been at home doing nothing but still slept 10 hours last night. Not like me at all. I wondered if it could be to do with the blood loss, but they said there was only 400ml when they operated.

I don’t think they routinely follow up on these things but if you’re worried then call them and demand a follow up.

Hi, the tiredness really does get to you doesn’t it. I found I couldn’t sleep for solid hours but kept napping. I am still the same at nearly 5 weeks post op. I went back to work today and feeling the physical and emotional affect this evening. I have a follow up in 3 weeks but have told myself if still feeling like this at the end of the week I will give my doctor a call.

Hope you recover and feel better soon xxx

I had an ectopic surgery on the 15 March 2019 which resulted in my right tube removed. I am currently feeling pain on my left side and my belly swollen occasionally. I wonder if it’s normal. I got pregnant after 14 years and although it wasn’t successfull I still hope that one day it will be successful. I just want to feel myself but I can’t i am not feeling normal

Hi Sonie,

Sorry to hear you have also gone through this awful experience. I believe and have heard from others how it can take a while for our bodies to settle back down as it was such a huge thing we went through. You need to be kind to yourself and allow time to recover. I found that because I look normal people expect you to be back to yourself. However inside it takes longer to recover but you will get there. Hopefully you have your little miracle baby when you are ready, stay positive.