I’m hoping someone can provide me some advice. I’m 32 years old and found out I was pregnant on 31 March 2020. When I was 6 weeks pregnant I experienced spotting and so was booked in for an emergency scan. They could not see anything at all but said this could be because I was a few days earlier that what we thought in which case everything all looked ok. They took a blood test to monitor my HGC levels and booked me for a second test 2 days later to compare. That afternoon sadly I started heavy bleeding. My blood test results came in at 667 on my first test and then 656 48 hours later. They told me that unfortunately it was looking likely that I was misscarrying. I was booked another blood test 48 hours later. Again, they only fell by about 100. 7 blood tests later (some 7 days apart as they were falling so slowly) and I went back for another scan. This was 5 days ago. At this point my previous HGC levels showed at 276 (4 weeks later from my first scan and bleed). The nurse said she was not happy at the level in which they were falling and wanted to re scan me. On the scan she said my uterus is not consistent with a miscarriage as everything looked normal, and that in fact she could see a small ectopic in my right tube. She also mentioned the measurements of each ovary (the right being larger as this is the one that fertilised) and the measurement of the cyst (I queried this and said why do I have a cyst and she said it’s normal when you become pregnant and actually it’s a ‘pregnancy cyst’). So, she was worried and sent for my 8th blood test to come back urgent. That afternoon the levels were now showing 57! A drop by 200! She was happy that the ectopic was resolving itself and just told me to do a pregnancy test in a week and it will show negative.
My question is this- why did she see on my scan a small ectopic in my tube that afternoon if the levels were already so low? And, surely they will want to re scan me to make sure this blockage is gone to avoid this happening again? Also, I am 5 days later and still showing a positive test. Very quickly as well! So after 5 days of my levels being in there 50’s why is this happening? It’s all very stressful and confusing. I’ve not miscarried or had an ectopic pregnancy before and this was to be my first child. I am now concerned going forward that there will still be a blockage in my tube and that no one really is bothering to check things over properly. I would like to try again as quickly as possible and want my body to recover ASAP but it’s very difficult when I don’t really know what’s going on with it, up until 5 days ago they said it was a misscarriage (that went on for 4 weeks)! And now they are saying it’s ectopic but they don’t need to intervene. When am I likely to ovulate again and what should I do?