Methotrexate nightmare!

Hey ladies,

I literally feel like I’m at breaking point. After my second shot of methotrexate 11 days ago I’ve just had constant pain and bleeding. I can’t leave the house. I feel horrendous. Been back to ER and spoke to my OB and they just said this is what I should expect. Was diagnosed with my ectopic 5 weeks ago

Dear maddylouise,

I am so sorry to hear of the worrying time you are going through.

I am glad you sent to get checked out but would advise if the pain is still as severe to go and get reviewed again. Pain is subjective but 5 weeks after treatment, it shouldn’t be so bad that you can’t leave your house. I presume your hCG levels are declining.

At the very least, I would discuss stronger pain relief but I would certainly want the pain investigating too.

I hope you get some answers soon,

Sending much love,

Karen x

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Hi Karen,

I know I’m so frustrated. The pain isn’t excruciating but it’s like a really intense period pain on the left side. It’s on and off. I’m now 10 days post the second methotrexate dose. And nearly 3 weeks since the first dose.

Is it normal to still have pain at this stage?


Is your hcg levels dropping have they been checking that regularly?

I’m so sorry you’re going through this and still in pain! Have you tried a heat pack or hot water bottle ? I found this helped me the past week or so, I only got mines last week so hoping the pain starts to ease !


Yeah they have been dropping. The pain and bleeding is just horrible! How are you feeling x

It is horrible ! I also had horrible nausea for the first few days which was crap ! I’m feeling better now ! This is day 7 for me x

Did they suggest any nutritional support? Some places suggest diet modification to drop folate. Like no leafy greens (!!!) or legumes. Other women drink green tea to drop it in an effort to drop it faster.

I’m so sorry. This is so hard, a nightmare, knowing it can’t go on but it just won’t go. The mental anguish is enough, having the physical pain to is so hard.