Hi, I need some advice, please.
I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant, with my first every pregnancy, at the start of August, but started bleeding heavily a few days later, so I assumed I was suffering an early pregnancy miscarriage, and, as I was abroad on holiday, I decided to wait until I got home to see a doctor. Sadly, I had to get taken to the local Spanish hospital (they were amazing!) a week later, where I was informed I was suffering from an ectopic pregnancy. I flew home the next day (the most tense flight of my life) and went straight to hospital. I received the Methotrexate injection on the 17th August. Unfortunately it didn’t work, and my tube ruptured 2 weeks later, even though my hormone levels had been going down as they should have been; I had emergency surgery on Friday 30th, to remove the whole left tube. Since then I’ve been recovering at home. I have had vaginal bleeding, continuously, from when I first started bleeding near the start of August. It stopped, completely, 5 days ago (so about 5 weeks of bleeding in total). I was expecting not to have any more bleeding for a little while, but I started bleeding again today, along with mild period like cramps. It seems too soon for a proper period, as my surgery was only 2 weeks ago, but I received the methotrexate a month ago. Is this bleeding something I should be worried about? Thank you x