Hi all!
I’m new to the forum. But would just like to tell my story.
I had an early 6 week scan on 12th Oct to be told there was nothing there, they took my hcg which came back at 1500. On the 13th I experienced the worst pain in my life. I was scanned again and told it was likely ectopic as they could see a shadow on my left tube. They repeated my hcg on the 14th which came down to 1200 and that’s when I was given my first dose of methotrexate. Fortunately it seams to be working and I don’t need surgery as my tube seams to be doing ok. However I’m not out the woodworks yet as my level is still positive. Last week it was at 164 and I am just now waiting on my results of this weeks one.
Does anyone who has been in my position feel like this is a long dragging process that u just want to be over already? I feel guilty feeling this way about it but I also feel drained and have a “can’t be bothered” attitude to everything. I also feel myself getting angry at the silliest things which I’m taking out on my partner and 4yo daughter mostly and then feeling really guilty and emotional afterwards. I went back to work 2 days ago but now feel it was too soon so have went off again, I feel terribly guilty for this too. I want to know how long you feel this way for and when you finally start to feel like your normal self again xx