Anything to speed up expectant management?

I was diagnosed with a suspected ectopic last Friday. They think they can see something on or near an ovary but can’t really tell as I have endometriomas. Either way pregnancy is not in womb. By LMP I’m about 7wks. I did have an “early period” 4 weeks ago but there’s no way I would have gotten blazing positive tests at 3wks - which is how I ended up with an early scan.

We went for expectant management as I am stable and in no pain. Hcg was 2000 then 1500 then 1300 (48hrs in between) for the last day or two I feel crampy like my period is about to come on but I’m not bleeding. How long did it take others to start bleeding? And how long to reduce levels?

Dear Mashymoo,

I am so sorry to hear of your ectopic pregnancy loss,

Unfortunately there is no set pattern as to how quickly hCG levels fall with expectant management as it all depends upon how high the levels were and our unique physiology. For some it can take 6-8weeks, sometimes longer.

What I will say however is that although expectant management can seem lengthy it does not have the side effects of methotrexate and it is not as invasive as surgery.

We have more information on expectant management on our website here … management

Sending much love,

Karen x

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

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Hi Mashymoo,

I am so sorry you had to go through this! I hope all is well now. I am currently experiencing what they think could be an ectopic pregnancy. I went in for a vaginal ultrasound yesterday which did not show anything in my uterus and they could not see anything in my tube as of now. However, my HCG keeps rising 27,33,55,126,280. They want me to wait until this Friday to get my HCG taken again and then go in for a repeat scan on Monday. I’ve had pretty heavy bleeding and cramping the last 3 days. I am curious how this resolved for you? Did you continue with expectant management?