Hi All,
So I was treated for PUL on 1st March with methotrexate (10 weeks ago) second cycle has started today so won’t be ovulating for another 2 weeks which would be 12 weeks from methotrexate. We definitely feel ready to try again, just hoping that all traces are firmly out of my system. Anyone have any success stories conceiving so soon after methotrexate…
I got your PM via email but not sure how to access the message on here so thought I’d write back to your post. So sorry you have gone through the traumatic experience of an ectopic pregnancy.
We conceived again straight away on the third cycle post methotrexate. I used ovulation predictor kits for every cycle after methotrexate to get in tune with my body. I am now 36 weeks pregnant with a very healthy wriggly baby who I can’t wait to meet. I hope you are able to come back with a similar story. Good luck!x
Thank you for coming back to me. Great to hear a positive story when you have been through something so heartbreaking - obviously the worry will be there that the same will happen again. I have been tracking ovulation the last 2 cycles so this will be cycle 3 for me. Have been back on folic acid for 8 weeks now - 10 when i ovulate. Hope that’s enough.
I fell pregnant first month of trying after the methotrexate wait. I definitely recommend using an ovulation test. Good luck!
Thanks Gemma. How far along are you? Has everything been ok? I have been tracking the last few months and seems to be cycle day 15 but will keep tracking to be sure x
I should have said, I went on to have a healthy baby girl who will be 2 in July. I still feel sad when I think about the ectopic but time is a healer. I had two injections so waited 5 months just to be certain that all the methotrexate had cleared. I know it is easy to say, but do try to relax. You are taking the right vitamins and working out the best time to conceive so you have every reason to be hopeful. X
That’s so nice to hear Gemma. I hope this is now the right time for me. I’ll always be sad when I think about what’s happened but I have to believe everything happens for a reason and this is now the time for me
Hi Weebee,
Just wondering how you are? You must be very close to due date if you haven’t already popped?
Just to say good luck Nicola! I hope it all works out for you. X x
Thank you keep on hoping. How are you? Feeling better since you are back on your folic acid supplements? Any sign of AF yet? I know I felt so much better once my first period had arrived. X
Feel more energised since back on folic acid. No sign of AF yet, keep thinking like it’s coming and then nothing. Will be 5 weeks this Wednesday since my injection. I’m hoping it will arrive soon, just want another thing to tick off the list! Hope you’re doing OK. X x
This is my first time posting and I’m sorry to gate crash this thread or if i’ve posted in the wrong thread!
Firstly, I’m sorry we have all experienced such traumatic loses. I had an ectopic pregnancy in March '16 and received the Methotrexate injection on 18th March. My HCG levels dropped quickly and I had a short period just 2 weeks after but have now had two ‘proper’ periods since. Do you think we can now start ttc again or is it still too soon? Most things I’ve read says 2 cycles or 3 months but I just want to be sure and the last doctor I spoke too didn’t seem sure!
Thank you x
Sorry to hear about your eptopic, I was told the 3 month wait was from the injection and I am now just past that. I am hoping to start trying again after my cycle this month (in the next few days) this will be my third cycle, however it did take 6 weeks for my period to return post methotrexate. You must be 11 weeks most methotrexate now Butterfly 1? Have you been taking folic acid? There is so much conflicting advice around isn’t there? My thought is that what is meant to be will be and it may not happen the first month anyway but we shall see. I wish you luck if you decide to go ahead and try this month - keep us posted though. X
Hi Nicola 1720,
Thank you so much for your reply. I am 11 weeks post injection today and I have been taking folic acid for 9 weeks now.
Maybe I will wait until next month to be sure, but the wait is just awful isn’t it? Although, it is tempting to ‘leave it up to fate’ this month and my age isn’t on my side so it is very unlikely to happen so soon. I hope your AF comes in the next day or so, so that you can ttc again soon. Wishing you all the best and good luck!! x
The waiting is horrible and it just drags on and on doesn’t it, plus there is the worry of it happening a second time. I know when I do find out I am pregnant next time I will spend the first months worrying before every scan, hopefully they will pass but I am not sure. I wanted to try last month as I was 10 weeks post methotrexate when I had my cycle and 12 weeks when I ovulated but I decided it was better to be safe and wait for one more month. I am sure the 3 month is advised so that they are sure it is all cleared from your system but I have read many articles on people who have had healthy babies quite soon after methotrexate. Hope all goes well for you though x
Thank you Nicola. Waiting another month must have been hard but at least now you can ttc knowing it is completely safe. We have decided to wait another cycle just to be sure.
I think it is natural to worry about the next pregnancy after our experiences but hopefully the early 6 week scan would offer some reassurance and relay some of the anxiety. There seems to be many happy success stories on here for subsequent pregnancies and hopefully we wont have to wait too much longer to add to them Take care x
Hi Keeponhoping and Butterfly 1.
Just thought I would check in and see how you are both doing? I am in my 2 week wait now after our first month of trying, not sure if I feel it’s been a success or not, it’s probably too early to tell. Hope you are both getting on ok. It really won’t be long until you are both trying again either. Xx
Hi Nicola,
Wishing you good luck. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you and hope to read some good news from you soon!!
I can imagine the two week wait is both exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time.
My AF is due today. Yesterday I had a lot of discomfort and period pain on my right side (the side of my ectopic) so I think its coming with a vengeance! But at least once its come and gone we can officially start trying again!
Take care Nicola and keep us posted. Sending lots of ‘baby dust’ your way … x
Nice to hear from you again and it’s great to hear you will also soon be able to start trying again. I will definitely keep you posted on my progress and likewise. Lots of baby dust your way for you upcoming cycle. Speak soon x